- Mathewson, Andro R. “Open-Source Research and Mapping of Explosive Ordnance Contamination in Ukraine”, The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction [Forthcoming, October 2022]
- Mathewson, Andro R, and Lauren Kahn “Seeking Dronations: The Crowdfunded Drone War in Ukraine” National Interest, 25 Aug 2022
- Mathewson, Andro R, and Ben Fogel “Will The Drone War Come: Ukraine and the Weaponisation of Commercial Drones”, Irregular Warfare Initiative, Modern War Institute at West Point, 22, August 2022.
- Mathewson, Andro R, and Lauren Chin “Climate and Maritime Securitisation of the Arctic,” Strife, 1 June 2022.
- Mathewson, Andro R, and Megan Oakeley “Pangolin Trafficking in West Africa”, Wavell Room, 18 February 2022.
- Mathewson, Andro R, and Asya Bolotova. “Explosive Ordnance Risk Education in Ukraine During The COVID-19 Pandemic” The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, 20 September. 2021
- Mathewson, Andro R. “Responding to the Proliferation of Uninhabited Underwater Vehicles” Center for International and Maritime Security, 26 August 2021.
- Mathewson, Andro. R “Un-crewed Underwater Technologies in the Arctic” Wavell Room, 28 July 2021.
- Mathewson, Andro R. “Modernizing the Bulgarian Military: Not Those Drones” CSDM Views, 15 February. 2021.
- Fogel, Ben, and Andro R Mathewson, “The next frontier in drone warfare? A Soviet-era crop duster.” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 10 February 2021.
- Mathewson, Andro R. “The German Drone Debate Drones On” UK Defence Journal, 26 January. 2021
- Mathewson, Andro R. “Invisible in War: An Insight on Conflict and the Conservation of Wildlife,” Strife, 25 November 2020.
- Mathewson, Andro R. “The United States through an Eastern European Lens” The Foreign Analyst, 5 Apr. 2019.
- Horowitz, Michael C., and Andro R Mathewson. “Competing Visions for the Global Order.” Texas National Security Review, 5 February. 2019.Horowitz, Michael C, and Andro R Mathewson. “A Way to Rein in Drone Proliferation.” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 30 November. 2018.